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CSC-Tübingen PhD Program: Project 20/2025: Optogenetic dissection of color vision circuits in the zebrafish pretectum and tectum
Topic Description:
In this project, we will investigate how color information (four cone photoreceptors exist in the zebrafish retina) is used by the brain. We already do understand, which color opponencies are represented in the retina, but how they are combined with spatiotemporal information in the different functional neuron types of the midbrain is unknown. Neurons supporting hunting behavior, escape responses, and gaze stabilization rely on different color channels and our visual virtual reality environment for zebrafish enables precise investigation of spatiotemporal color processing. The lab recently set up a microscope for holographic photostimulation of the brain, which we will use to activate or deactivate target neuron groups and thereby reveal circuit mechanisms as well as demonstrate causal roles of neurons for the generation of behavior in this vertebrate.

Faculty: Faculty of Science
Institute/Section/Subject: Centre for Integrative Neuroscience / Institute of Neurobiology
Supervising Professors: Prof. Dr. Aristides Arrenberg (Systems Neurobiology laboratory)

About the Supervisors: Our research group investigates vision and oculomotor circuits in zebrafish. We study how the diencephalon and the midbrain process optic flow to support behavioral responses. We use calcium imaging (two-photon microscopy) to measure brain activity in head-restrained transgenic larval zebrafish. Behavioral and neurophysiological data are analyzed via custom programming algorithms (e.g. Python). Dr. Arrenberg has a background in neuroscience and biochemistry from his studies at the University of California San Francisco and the University of Hamburg. Dr. Arrenberg has pioneered optogenetic approaches to manipulate brain activity in zebrafish.
Also see:

Degree: Dr. rer. nat. in Biology (Faculty of Science) or Neuroscience (via our international Graduate Training Centre, GTC)
Type of the PhD Study: Full-time (complete doctoral studies at the University of Tübingen)

Requirements for the application:
Required Degrees: Master of Science in Neurobiology or related discipline (e.g. Biology, Biomedical Engineering), Programming skills (e.g. Python)
Language Requirements: Fluent English, verbally and in writing (IELTS 6,5 or TOEFL equivalent); German is a benefit, but not required

Notes: See our papers at

For further instructions on how to apply, more information on the program and contact details please see below.


CSC-Tübingen PhD Program
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the University of Tübingen have established a PhD Program which supports Chinese nationals inside and outside of China wishing to carry out all or part of their PhD study in Tübingen.


  • providing high quality research training to qualified students from Chinese universities
  • developing education and research collaborations between the University of Tübingen and Chinese universities and research institutions

Target group:
Excellent postgraduate and doctoral students from the People's Republic of China.

Funding line A - Full time fellowship:
  • postgraduate students who want to carry out their complete doctoral studies at the University of Tübingen
  • up to 48 months
  • degree conferred by the University of Tübingen
  • Annual living allowance as prescribed by the Chinese Government (which includes Overseas Student Health Cover)

Funding Line B - Part time fellowship (sandwich model):
  • doctoral students who want to carry out their research and studies alternatively at their home universities and the University of Tübingen. They follow a schedule set in advance by both the Chinese supervisors and supervisors at the University of Tübingen
  • 6-24 months in Tübingen
  • degree conferred by the Chinese home university
  • Annual living allowance as prescribed by the Chinese Government (which includes Overseas Student Health Cover) for 6-24 months

Funding for both Funding lines includes:
  • Return airfare to Germany
  • Visa application fees
  • Support for the attendance of international conferences during the second and third year (up to 1000€ granted to successful applicants)

Benefits for both funding lines:
  • Tuition waiver
  • Option to take German language classes provided by the University of Tübingen during the first year
  • Accommodation offered in Tübingen student dormitories depending on availability
  • Opportunities to gain additional teaching and research experience as well as economic benefits from the University of Tübingen from the second year onward (depending on the ability of the applicant and the situation of the respective institute)

Application Process:
  • Jan 15: Application deadline. Applications must be handed in through the online application system of the University of Tübingen
  • by March 10: Successful applicants will be officially informed
  • by March 31: Invited applicants have to register with the CSC according to the regulations of the CSC.
  • by May 31: Final decisions about the allocation of scholarships will be made by the CSC
  • by Oct 1: Program participants arrive in Tübingen
  • Successful candidates must return to China upon completion of their studies.

How to Apply:
In order to apply you need to upload the following documents combined in 1 PDF
  • Cover/Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Research proposal (3-5 pages)
  • Academic transcripts* (if you have not yet completed your Master's studies, please submit a confirmation of studies and an up-to-date transcript of records)
  • Proof of proficient English language skills (i.e. comprehension of a wide range of demanding, longer texts as well as fluent and spontaneous expression allowing a flexible and effective language use for social, academic and professional purposes.) - TOEFL iBT 95 or IELTS 6.5 or equivalent

*List of required Academic transcripts (including official translation into German or English for documents issued in Chinese)
1) Bachelor’s Degree Award Certificate / Bachelor Gradverleihungsurkunde (学士学位证书 xueshi xuewei zhengshu)
2) Bachelor's Degree Certificate/ Abschlusszeugnis (毕业证书 biye zhengshu) für das Bachelorstudium (本科 benke)
3) Transcript of the subjects and marks / Fächer- und Notenübersicht (成绩表 chengjibiao) for your Bachelor’s degree/ für das Bachelorstudium (本科 benke)
4) Master’s Degree Award Certificate / Master-Gradverleihungsurkunde (硕士学位证书 shuoshi xuewei zhengshu)
5) Master’s Degree Certificate/ Abschlusszeugnis für das Masterstudium (硕士研究生毕业证书 shuoshi yanjiusheng biye zhengshu)
6) Transcript of the subjects and marks for your Master’s Degree / Fächer- und Notenübersicht für das Masterstudium (硕士研究生成绩表 shuoshi yanjiusheng chengjibiao)

For questions please contact:
(Ms) Tetyana Tonkoshkur
Dezernat II – Forschung
Internationale Forschungskooperation
+49 7071 29-750005
zur Antragstellung